We look forward to welcoming you at the 2021 CAGFO Annual Conference “Refresh, Renew, Refocus” from September 28 – October 1, 2021 – REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
The schedule is now complete and is available here for your review. However, a conference is always more than the professional development content! We are pleased to announce that the conference will offer a Magic Show to kick off the conference on Monday, September 27th.
The Toronto Magic Company works with the best magicians in the world to put on incredible shows. Join The Toronto Magic Company for an awesome
virtual happy hour, packed with laughs, interaction, and mind-blowing magic, plus a twist — they teach everyone at the show 2 amazing tricks you can do with normal items you have around the house. Not only is this fun, but it also leaves you with tricks that you will talk about for WEEKS after the  event!
All attendees will also receive a Do-it-at-Home Magic Kit with a link to a video tutorial online that teaches some cool magic tricks at home. If you plan to
attend, be sure to bring a deck of cards, some rubber bands, and a pen or a pencil (any kind) so you can watch the magic happen right in your hands! Be sure to register for the conference to attend this one-of-a-kind show!