Join CAGFO as Tim Duhamel, President of Bloom Centre for Municipal Education discusses Crisis Leadership for the Finance Professional in the face of COVID-19. The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6th from 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST. Content to be discussed includes:

Crisis leadership. What makes leader successful in times of crisis? Learn about leading practices and strategies that support and enable positive leadership outcomes in times of crisis

Crisis messaging for council and the public. In times of crisis, financial professionals must carefully analyze the effect of the situation, develop mitigating strategies, and forecast the resulting consequences.  This must be communicated this to the Municipal executive, council and the public in a clear and effective manner.  This webinar will cover basic communication strategies with a special focus on the municipal finance function.

Cash flow analysis in times of crisis – Included the webinar is the review of a cash flow forecast template that calculates the impact of delays in taxes, user fees, and utility payments.  The model includes what if scenarios and tips on how to present these scenarios to Council.  (model will be provided to registered viewers)

Register here.